
Recent books about Knysna
- Most of the books listed on this page have been recently published (2018/9 onwards).
- Please see Books and movies about the Knysna Forests for info about books published before 2019
Knysna 250 Years of History - Steve Collinson
A timeline of historical events and interesting information from 1770 to 2020.
Crossing the Knysna River - Murray Douglas
The stories of the drifts, causeways, ponts, ferries, and bridges that have connected Knysna to the world to its west.
The Old Roads Between George and Knysna - Murray Douglas
A history of the 7-Passes Road and its predecessors - from 1752 to the 1940s - with a kilometre-by-kilometre guide for anyone using the route today.
The Story of the Millwood/Knysna Goldfield by Allen Duff
A detailed look at the history and the people of one of South Africa's earliest gold rushes
Boer War narratives of the Cape Colony - Allen Duff
The South African War (1899-1902) through the experiences of some of the men who saw action in the Cape Colony.
The Woodcutter Settlements of Knysna - Philip Caveney
The distribution of the woodcutters of the Knysna Forests in the 1860s, and early attempts at relocating them
Karatara - Philip Caveney
Karatara: A story of poverty, people & plantations by Philip Caveney
For the People - Anelia Schutte
A true story and researched memoir of Knysna under Apartheid
A Forgotten First People: The Southern Cape Hessequa - Mike de Jongh
The Hessequa pastured their cattle along the south-east Cape coast between the present-day towns of Swellendam and Albertinia - and beyond - long before the arrival of the European colonists.
Beyond the Secret Elephants - Gareth Patterson
The continuing story of Gareth Patterson’s almost two decades of research into the secretive Knysna elephants. It reveals his startling discovery of a much more mysterious being than the elephants – a relict hominoid known to the indigenous forest people as the Otang.
Older books & movies about the Knysna Forests
Follow this link for books and movies about the Knysna Forests published before 2019
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