Knysna Fine Art was established in 1998: at 25, it’s expanded its exhibition space to 900 square metres
Living Heritage of Knysna
Posted on Mon February 17, 2020.

A documentary about the cultures of Knysna (2014)
The stories of the Khoi, the San, the woodcutters, the furniture makers, the miners, the schoolteachers, and many others who've lived in Knysna over the years. Funded by Knysna Municipality, and produced and directed by Picca de Bruin.
A Storyteller Productions film in association with Sirius Media, 2014
Further Reading
Leisure Isle Boat Club: the founding story
Mon March 7, 2022
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The story of the establishment of Knysna's Leisure Island Boat Club as told by Craig Clarke
William Smith: Evolution of an educator
Mon January 17, 2022
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Knysna’s William Smith - teacher, television personality - is now a Grand Counsellor of South Africa’s Order of the Baobab. Here we trace his evolution - from helping one, single student, to teaching 100 million students a day.
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